There’s lots of ideas out there about what’s the best way to start the day. In fact if you ask Google that question you’ll get about 2 million answers. The suggestions range from eating a healthy breakfast , to undertaking regular morning exercise, or playing a Chinese gong in a park.
The interest in this subject stems from the notion that what you do, or don’t do, at the start of each day impacts your health and wellbeing. And since most of us want to live a happy, healthy life, we have a keen interest in doing all we can to attain that goal. That’s why for decades I’ve been successfully using a spiritual approach to starting the day. Here’s how it works.
As soon as I wake up, before I even put my foot on the floor, I take a moment to think spiritually. I remember that there is a divine Love that cares for me and everyone, and that this Love meets my human need right when I need it. Then I turn this into an affirmation of gratitude. For example, ‘Thank you divine Love, that you are right here with me every moment of the day. You love and care for me. You meet my every need right when I need it.’
Next I take a moment to check my thinking. Every day, all kinds of thoughts come to the door of consciousness. Some are spiritual, good, and thus are health-giving. Others are mortal, and produce illness and disease. Detecting which is which is essential. Thought and experience are connected. I know it’s important to take charge of what I think, because then I can take charge of what I feel. So here’s what I do.
If thoughts of illness and fear try to come into – or even if they have already entered my thought – I make sure I shut them out. Ruminating over ill health or the latest bug going around, doesn’t result in wellness. Speculating about them intensifies fear and the possibility of succumbing to them. So I shut the door on these unhealthy thoughts and fears.
Then, and most importantly, I let in what is spiritually true about sustainable health. Wellness comes from a divine source. It’s present and available 24/7. Good health is inherited from a divine Father-Mother and it’s permanent. I’ve been created healthy and well and thus I’m active, harmonious and cared for day-in and day-out. Starting the day like this brings positive results.
One morning I woke feeling ill and worn-out. I checked my thinking and found I was believing that my workload was producing the weariness and ill health. I instantly shut out this notion and refused to reiterate silently or audibly that I was tired and ill because of working too hard. Then I affirmed that divine Spirit was supplying me with vitality and stamina, boundless endurance, and get-up-and-go. My good health could never be depleted by doing an honest day’s work. As a result of employing my morning spiritual routine, I quickly returned to my normal, lively self.
Spiritual thinking at the start of the day benefits mental and physical wellbeing. Try it for yourself.
1. Get off to a flying start by affirming that good health is present and within.
2. Keep alert to what thoughts you’re letting into your thinking.
3. During the day continue to stand guard and think from a spiritual standpoint.
4. At night, fall asleep thanking divine Love for making you well and keeping you well.
This spiritually-inspired, daily mental activity is the way to be pro-active about maintaining good health. It takes practice, but it’s sure worth the effort.

I’m a professional Christian Science Practitioner and Teacher. Through my prayer-based practice, I help people find happiness, health and healing.
It is wonderful to start the day with spiritual affirmations like the ones you outline here. I like a hymn from the Christian Science hymnal which has the words: “This is the day the Lord hath made. Be glad, give thanks, rejoice!” Since I am a school teacher, I often turn my thought to God as Mind and listen carefully as ideas for lessons pop into my thought. Then I give gratitude that ideas take no time to appear when we are receptive.
Thank you Robin for your excellent comment. Your pupils benefit so much from your spiritual approach to each school day. Listening for ideas as you move through each lesson is a most rewarding activity for a teacher. Keep up the good work you’re doing.
Spiritual thinking in the morning is essential for me. It gives me confidence that divine Love is guiding me throughout the day, keeping my thought buoyant giving me right ideas in every situation. I am so grateful to know that I have that wonderful source at all times.
Hello Diane, thank you for your comment. I am delighted that you begin your morning from a spiritual standpoint. Starting out this way smoothes the wrinkles in the day ahead and brings you peace. It takes only a few minutes to set the tone for the rest of the day. Keep up the good work.
An experience I had showed me how important it is to be alert, to watch what I’m thinking. I had an area of aggravated skin which I was checking daily – in the morning and at other times. Suddenly I realised that by giving it all this daily attention I was actually “cherishing” it in my thought! What a wake-up this was. I stopped doing it and instead turned my thought to God’s truth about myself, in the morning and throughout the day. As a result, the condition quickly disappeared.