When it comes to juggling family and work, parents and workers can sometimes get bent-out-of-shape by the demands made on them. They can feel pulled in two directions or mentally stretched to the limit. When this happens, life can be a tight ball of stress. The answer? Be resilient. Stay emotionally on-track under pressure. Retain your mental balance and poise. It’s good for your health.
A resilient person is someone who is adaptable and recovers readily from stress or misfortune. The key to being resilient is to have a bucket-load of mental qualities, such as suppleness, elasticity, and flexibility. These thought-qualities allow you to easily rebound from stressful situations, and regain control of your emotions and your life.
It’s like the humble rubber-band. Being supple, the band can be stretched sideways a long way without breaking. It can be formed into a triangle, rectangle, square, or even rolled into a tight ball. Yet, no matter how it’s treated, when the pressure is released, the circular band easily recovers its original shape.
While the ability to rebound quickly is sometimes thought to be associated with genetics, one’s temperament, or good parenting, resilience is actually a mental, spiritual capability which we all have. No one has to think or act like a metal paperclip, which is inflexible, rigid, and when stretched can’t readily recover its form.
– When faced with a difficult situation, draw on spiritual resilience to help you overcome it.
– Maintain your balance in life. Be supple – bend with the winds of hardship or misfortune, and then recover quickly, easily, from trouble or stress.
– Be assured, that “The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares.” Mary Baker Eddy – Science and Health p.574
– Affirm often during the day, that you are resilient, flexible, able to live a happy, healthy life.
– Retain your mental composure. Bounce back from disappointment or discouragement. You can do it!
– Be reassured: “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We suffer persecution, but are not forsaken; we are cast down, but we perish not.” Bible II Corinthians
– Mentally stand firm. Don’t stay rigid with fear or despair.
– Defeat ignorant prejudice or bullying, with courage and determination.
– Be strong. Get up each day mentally stronger than the day before.
– Practice thinking and being resilient. It’s good for your health.
Health writer Beverly Goldsmith, is a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science healing. Twitter: @GoldsmithBev Blog: https://www.spiritualityandhealthconnect.com/

I’m a professional Christian Science Practitioner and Teacher. Through my prayer-based practice, I help people find happiness, health and healing.
I love the analogy of the elastic band that can easily assume many different shapes. That makes a lot of sense. Many thanks.
Thank you Robin for your comment. Good to know that you like the idea of the rubber band which shows us that by being spiritually resilient we can recover readily from disappointment or troubles. Love to you…
Good one Beverly.
Thank you Marion for your comment. Glad you liked the post. Being a resilient person does lead to a happier, healthier life. With love to you…
Thank you Beverly, recognizing our capacity for resilience is very inspiring – resilience and endurance feel like glimpses into the spiritual eternity of life.
Great to have your comment Abigail. Thanks for posting it. Resilience is indeed a spiritual quality of Life. One we can all express each and every day. with love…