Sometimes life can seem too hard to bear. When this happens we need to be comforted – to receive a gentle hug, comforting words, a helping hand, or other supportive actions. Such compassionate and thoughtful attention can lessen grief, make distress seem lighter, and bring healing relief. These tender outcomes demonstrate how allowing yourself to be comforted, or giving comfort to someone else, is beneficial, and therefore is good for your health.
When difficult times come along, being comforted by a family member, friend or work colleague, can help ease feelings of sorrow, reduce worry, strengthen courage and inspire hope.
– Humbly accept someone’s gift of caring. Comfort is love. It’s a spiritual quality that soothes hurt and brings peace. Never be too proud to be comforted by others.
– Allow the comfort of others to inspire you. Comfort is hope. It’s courage to overcome trouble through the uplifting “wisdom, Truth, or Love — [that] blesses the human family with crumbs of comfort… ”. Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health p. 234
– If you’re alone. Don’t feel comfortless. There‘s a divine Love always present with you. And just like a mother, that Love is supporting, comforting and strengthening you, now and always.
Bless others. Comfort them. Help restore their wellbeing, contentment and security.
– Comfort your children. In times of tragedy remind them that good is always present. Fred Rogers, a popular American children’s’ TV show host relates how as a boy when he saw scary things in the news, his mother would say to him, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping”. To this day, especially in times of disaster, he says, “I remember my mother’s words, and I’m always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.”
– Express your mothering qualities. Never withhold comforting words or actions. Be ready to console, reassure, encourage. Reach out to others through the divine Love “who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received”. The Bible, II Corinthians 1:4
– Be brave. Put aside any doubts. Do what you can to lessen someone’s sorrow. Don’t hold back. No matter how small or simple you think your words or actions are, be assured that if they come from your heart, they will be just right. You can be comforted and comforting. It’s good for your health.
Beverly Goldsmith writes on the connection between spirituality and health and is a professional Christian Science practitioner and teacher.
This article has been published on Motherpedia. Read more by me on Motherpedia…
Also published in the November 2017 edition of Around Point Cook and Around Altona Community newspapers in print and online via Issuu.
Photo attribution: © Glow Images. Models used for illustrative purposes

I’m a professional Christian Science Practitioner and Teacher. Through my prayer-based practice, I help people find happiness, health and healing.
Your words on comfort are so comforting themselves. It is startling to realise how hard it often is to accept words of comfort, thinking that saying ‘I’m fine’ is the way to respond but really that could just be misplaced pride speaking and not allowing others to give comfort as a loving gift.
As always Beverly, your words of advice and insight are loving and invaluable. Thank you
Thank you Susan for your beautiful comment. Kindness and loving comfort given to us by others is a gift from divine Love. It’s a gift we can accept with great humility, joy and gratitude. Love and hugs to you always.
I could feel the comfort of someone hugging me while going through this article. I really believe that hugging and comforting from a near one is the biggest delight of life. Now will never miss an opportunity to hug and comfort dear ones.
Thank you Celine for your comment. I know that your hugs and comforting care will be such a blessing to your loved ones. I love a hug and so I send one for you!