Happy New Year! It’s an exciting time for everyone. Or is it? For some people, it may be a continuation of last year’s old dismal way of living. For others, it’ll be an opportunity to look ahead – to set new goals, make an exhilarating fresh start, see the potential of fulfilling long-held dreams, or implementing new ways to achieve greater health and happiness. Being a look ahead kind of person helps foster positive prospects for a better life. So if this is what you’d like to achieve this year, check out the tips and implement them in the weeks ahead. You can do it, and, it’s good for your health.
If you want to get the most out of the New Year, be forward looking. Don’t look back or remain stuck in a mental rut. Think progressively. Be bold. Make changes. Applying this look ahead attitude to daily life, benefits your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing at home, and in the workplace.
– Look ahead. Aim to live a splendidly useful, active life. Enjoy thinking about and planning what
you’re going to do in the next 12 months. Do something different. Take up a new activity. Relish
what lies ahead for you.
– Be assured that your future holds an abundance of love, kind people and happy experiences. Love
and goodness come from a divine source and are continuously present.
– Look forward with confidence. If you foresee difficulties in the days ahead, have courage. Know
that you possess the spiritual poise, calm strength, and wisdom to triumph over them.
– Don’t look back. Leave the past behind. “Stand porter at the door of thought”. Shut out any “unhealthy thoughts and fears.” Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health p.392
– Say goodbye to yesterday. Drop all bitterness and regret. “Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago.” The Bible. Isaiah 43:18.
– If the New Year offers change – a new beginning, enthusiastically embrace it. Forget “the things that are behind” and reach out “for the things that are ahead.” The Bible. Philippians 3:13.
– Move forward. Take positive action to improve your everyday life. Resolve to be a more patient parent, work colleague, and road-user. Be grateful for the good you have right now. Express your appreciation to others. Say “thank you” more often.
– So get started! As the next 365 days begin, anticipate receiving the blessings each day holds. Be excited. Look ahead in the New Year. It’s good for your health.
Beverly Goldsmith writes on the connection between spirituality and health and is a professional practitioner and teacher of Christian Science healing.
This article has been published on Motherpedia. Read more by me on Motherpedia…
Also published in the January 2018 edition of Around Point Cook Community newspaper in print and online via Issuu.
Photo attribution: ©Glow images. Model used for illustrative purposes

I’m a professional Christian Science Practitioner and Teacher. Through my prayer-based practice, I help people find happiness, health and healing.
Thanks Beverley. What a wonderful way to go ahead in the new year
Happy New Year to you Heather. Glad you found the ideas helpful in looking ahead with joyous expectation in 2018.