Be calm and carry on is a can-do message filled with hope and encouragement. It reminds us that when faced with difficult times, we have within us the empowering qualities of calmness, resilience, and persistence. So, although it may seem a tall order to find the inner strength to be calm, and carry on through to the end of hard times, it is absolutely do-able. We can mentally refuse to feel limited, and successfully move our family, school, or work life forward.
It’s definitely been a trying time with many restrictions placed on our normal activities at home, school and work. Yet, we’ve seen calmness and inventiveness expressed by many individuals. We’ve been inspired by people expressing determination to sustain themselves and others through acts of kindness. And recently, I enjoyed this light-hearted example of creativity, buoyancy of spirit, and good humour.
Rather than be thwarted by dining restrictions, a Belgian mother and daughter who wanted a McDonald’s meal – but lacked a car for the drive-thru-only, made a cardboard version of a car. Fellow motorists, including police, cheered as they “drove” through. When asked about their novel approach they said, “It’s nice if we have done something to make people laugh”. “We need that.”
– Choose not to worry. If you feel down-in-the-dumps about the present challenging situation, remain resilient, confident. Don’t fret about what might lie ahead, or wonder if you’ll get back what you’ve lost. There is a divine Love that is an ever-present help, which will make sure you have all you need, right when you need it. “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded”. Bible. Hebrews 10:35
– Be calm. When dealing with frustrating family, education, or work situations, be calm, cool and collected. Don’t let anyone, or anything, “get your goat” – that is, upset you. Each day you can live your life, “with an equanimity so settled that no passing breath nor accidental disturbance shall agitate or ruffle it”. Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellaneous Writings p. 224.
– Be ready to carry on. This testing time has revealed a wonderful capacity in each of us to be calm and carry on with life no matter what happens. So right now, we can get ready to move forward. We can be grateful for every good thing we presently have, and anticipate receiving the blessings each future day will hold for us. We don’t need permission to enjoy being useful. Right now we can get moving, take positive steps, achieve good things, and be calm and carry on.
– Beverly Goldsmith writes on the connection between spirituality and health and is an experienced Christian Science practitioner and teacher.
– This article is published on Motherpedia. Read more from Beverly on Motherpedia…
– Also published in the JUNE 2020 edition of Around Point Cook and Around Altona Community newspapers in print and online via Issuu. As well as
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I’m a professional Christian Science Practitioner and Teacher. Through my prayer-based practice, I help people find happiness, health and healing.