It’s December. The countdown is on. Excitement is building. The pace is quickening. Life is getting hectic. There’s end-of-school activities, office parties, Christmas break-ups, and holiday plans to make; not to mention, shopping, gift wrapping, mailing items, putting up the decorations, cooking Continue Reading
Beat the winter blues! It’s good for your health.
It’s Winter! Time to enjoy cosy fires, hot drinks, warm clothes, snuggling up in bed, and even trips to the snow. However, colder, shorter days may result in the winter blues, anxiety over one’s health, and worry about the best ways to keep the family well. When such winter-time-concerns set in, Continue Reading
Happy mothering! It’s good for your health.
Today’s woman is multi-faceted. She can be a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, mother and grandmother. As a mum, she juggles her life with raising children, running a home, work or study. As a grandmother, she often plays an important role in looking-after her grandchildren. For these women, mothering Continue Reading
Nourish your thinking! It’s good for your health.
In the whirlwind-of-life that we call our daily routine, every minute seems to be accounted for. There’s the family to attend to, trips to the supermarket, household chores, work commitments, and yes, emails and Facebook posts to catch up with. How does one cope with the hectic pace of life and stay Continue Reading
Look forward to a better life! It’s good for your health.
At the start of a New Year everyone is abuzz with high hopes for a better life ahead. There’s a feeling that the past is done-and-dusted and it’s time to look forward to new opportunities. There’s great hope for stronger family ties, friendships, better health, as well as happier days. Such hopeful Continue Reading
Give the gift of peace! It’s good for your health
Australians love to celebrate Christmas Day. The first one in this country, most likely occurred at Sydney Cove on December 25th, 1788, when initial white settlers enacted their homeland traditions. Since then, it’s been traditional in the weeks leading up to the “big day” for family homes to be Continue Reading
Speak gently! It’s good for your health.
It seems that we’ve all “snapped’ and said things that we later regret! Maybe the unkind words to a family member or co-worker were the result of thoughtlessness, frustration, or stress. One way to maintain good relations at home and at work, is to keep guard over one’s thought and tongue - to think Continue Reading
Sleep like a baby! It’s good for your health.
Oh, to sleep like a baby, without a care in the world! Do you remember what that was like? You didn’t have to yearn for a restful night. You’d simply snuggle down, get comfortable, and fall off to sleep. It was so, so easy. It still can be easy, if you know how. What’s more, it’s good for your Continue Reading
Get over Mondayitis! It’s good for your health
For many of us, including working Mums and Dads, getting back to work after a relaxing weekend can seem a grind – especially when it involves making a daily commute in peak-hour traffic! While “Mondayitis” is often joked about, some people genuinely dread the start of a working week. Yet there’s a Continue Reading