Winter is over! It’s time to throw open the windows of thought and welcome in Spring. Right now as trees burst into blossom, the buds of our new life-opportunities are also emerging. They’re ready to flower into fresh starts, new beginnings, or new perspectives. These make each new day positive and Continue Reading
SLOW DOWN right away. It’s good for your health.
Hands up if you remember this 60’s pop-song by Paul Simon. “Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last”. To slow down right away and live a more meaningful life, is a message that still resonates today. Time flies by at a great rate, the traffic is hectic, everyone’s in a hurry Continue Reading
Be comforted and comforting. It’s good for your health
Sometimes life can seem too hard to bear. When this happens we need to be comforted - to receive a gentle hug, comforting words, a helping hand, or other supportive actions. Such compassionate and thoughtful attention can lessen grief, make distress seem lighter, and bring healing relief. These Continue Reading
Enjoy Christmas! It’s good for your health.
It’s December. The countdown is on. Excitement is building. The pace is quickening. Life is getting hectic. There’s end-of-school activities, office parties, Christmas break-ups, and holiday plans to make; not to mention, shopping, gift wrapping, mailing items, putting up the decorations, cooking Continue Reading
Be encouraging! It’s good for your health.
Be encouraging! Everyone likes to do well. And while we don’t seek applause for being a caring parent, or a hard worker, or just plain doing a good job in life, receiving someone’s praise and encouragement can give us a much needed lift. It can help us keep going when we’re feeling down, or when Continue Reading
Beat the winter blues! It’s good for your health.
It’s Winter! Time to enjoy cosy fires, hot drinks, warm clothes, snuggling up in bed, and even trips to the snow. However, colder, shorter days may result in the winter blues, anxiety over one’s health, and worry about the best ways to keep the family well. When such winter-time-concerns set in, Continue Reading
Happy mothering! It’s good for your health.
Today’s woman is multi-faceted. She can be a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, mother and grandmother. As a mum, she juggles her life with raising children, running a home, work or study. As a grandmother, she often plays an important role in looking-after her grandchildren. For these women, mothering Continue Reading
Be resilient! It’s good for your health
When it comes to juggling family and work, parents and workers can sometimes get bent-out-of-shape by the demands made on them. They can feel pulled in two directions or mentally stretched to the limit. When this happens, life can be a tight ball of stress. The answer? Be resilient. Stay emotionally Continue Reading
Speak gently! It’s good for your health.
It seems that we’ve all “snapped’ and said things that we later regret! Maybe the unkind words to a family member or co-worker were the result of thoughtlessness, frustration, or stress. One way to maintain good relations at home and at work, is to keep guard over one’s thought and tongue - to think Continue Reading